Aufs Lautenwerck

Aufs Lautenwerck
Sale Price:$6.99 Original Price:$13.99
Artist: Kim Heindel
Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach
Format: 1 CD
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Bach, the lute, and the lautenwerk (lute-harpsichord) have fascinated me for years. Upon investigating Bach's connection with the two instruments, one is immediately faced with the striking absence of one vital piece of evidence: though we know that many lautenwerks existed, none, to our knowledge, have survived into our time. The lautenwerk, the name by which it is usually known in German and English, was a harpsichord like instrument of one or two manuals with the same range as lute, but somewhat lower than the harpsichord. It was strung with gut rather than brass.
—Nigel North, London, June 1994
Track List
Suite in E Major, BWV 1006a
1. Prelude
2. Loure
3. Gavotte
4. Menuet I, II, I Reprise
5. Bourrée
6. Gigue
7. Fugue in G Minor, BWV 1000
Suite in C Minor, BWV 997
8. Prelude
9. Fuga
10. Sarabande
11. Gigue & Double
Prelude, Fugue & Allegro in E-flat Major, BWV 998
12. Prelude
13. Fugue
14. Allegro
Suite in E Minor, BWV 996 "Aufs Lautenwerck"
15. Praeludio: Passaggio & Presto
16. Allemande
17. Courante
18. Sarabande
19. Bourrée
20. Gigue
Total time: 74:02
Release date: March 16, 1995
UPC: 751758012622