Consorts in Two Parts

Consorts in Two Parts


Artist: Masques

Composer: Matthew Locke

Format: 1 CD


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Timothy Haig — baroque violin
Elin Söderström — bass viol
Olivier Fortin — chamber organ

Mathew Locke's music reflects the turbulent times of its creation, England of the seventeenth century was the England of the Civil War, the beheading of Charles I, Cromwell's Commonwealth and the Stuart Restoration. During this time England also witnessed major changes in its musical tastes. The Renaissance polyphonic style with its equal voices and complex counterpoint waned, and a style based on vertical harmony and a polarization of voices emerged. Locke had his feet solidly planted in the tradition of polyphonic music, but felt the pull of the new musical directions. His music was experimental in its daring harmonies and in the unusual shape of its melodies. In this age of transition, Locke was free to develop his own voice, pushing toward but never quite attaining the new "baroque" style that was about to emerge.

—Elin Söderström

Track List

1. Simphonia (Anon.*)

Suite No. 1 in G minor-major
2. Fantazie
3. Pavan
4. Ayre
5. Courante
6. Saraband
7. Jigg
8. Ayre
9. Courante
10. Saraband

Suite No. 2 in B-flat major
11. Fantazie
12. Pavan
13. Ayre
14. Courante
15. Saraband
16. Jigg
17. Gallarde Faraboscho

Suite No. 3 in D minor-major
18. Fantazie
19. Pavan
20. Ayre
21. Courante
22. Ayre
23. Courante
24. Saraband

Suite No. 4 in E minor
25. Pavan
26. Almand
27. Courante
28. Ayre
29. Saraband
30. Jigg
31. La Pertenisse

Suite No. 5 in F major
32. Fantazie
33. Pavan
34. Ayre
35. Courante
36. Almande
37. Saraband
38. Jigg; Conclude thus

Suite No. 6 in A minor-major
39. Pavan
40. Ayre
41. [Courante]
42. Fantazie
43. Ayre
44. Courante
45. Jigg; Conclude thus
46. Almande Maschera

Suite No. 7 in C minor-major
47. Fantazie
48. Pavan
49. Ayre
50. Courante
51. Saraband
52. Ayre
53. Courante
54. Saraband

Suite No. 8 in D minor
55. Pavan
56. Ayre
57. Courante
58. Saraband
59. Modulatio*

Total time: 77:28
Release date: 2001
UPC: 053479030023

Like a well-knit sweater that’s tightly woven but stretches where it’s supposed to, this group’s playing is notable for its well-shaped phrasing, well-formed lines, and boldly struck rhythms.
— David Vernier,

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