Die schöne Müllerin

Die schöne Müllerin
Artist: Kevin McMillan (baritone), Warren Jones (piano)
Composer: Franz Schubert
Format: 1 CD
What is it about Die schöne Müllerin that has attracted singers for the better part of the last two centuries? Certainly, lovers of Schubert's songs have always held this cycle in high regard for its sheer melodious beauty and the impeccable craft of the composer. Yet a singer who undertakes to perform these songs initially finds many challenges, both vocally and interpretively.
—Kevin McMillan
Track List
Die schöne Müllerin D795
1. Das Wandern (Journeying)
2. Wohin? (Whither?)
3. Halt! (Halt!)
4. Danksagung an den Bach (Thanksgiving to the Brook)
5. Am Feirabend (When Work is Over)
6. Der Neugierige (The Inquisitive One)
7. Ungeduld (Impatience)
8. Morgengruß (Morning Greeting)
9. Des Müllers Blumen (The Miller's Flowers)
10. Tränenregen (Rain of Tears)
11. Mein! (Mine!)
12. Pause (Pause)
13. Mit dem grünen Lautenbande (To accompany the green Lute-ribbon)
14. Der Jäger (The Hunter)
15. Eifersucht und Stolz (Jealousy and Pride)
16. Die liebe Farbe (The Beloved Colour)
17. Die böse Farbe (The Evil Colour)
18. Trockne Blumen (Dry Flowers)
19. Der Müller und der Bach (The Miller and the Brook)
20. Des Baches Wiegenlied (The Brook's Lullaby)
Total time: 67:30
Release date: August 31, 1993
UPC: 053479016225